I have just one word ABSOLUTELY..
I have just one word ABSOLUTELY..
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Old Buddhist proverb:
“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”
Today....I bagged 46 pips.....batted 100%....multiple trades......mucho-low risk......and have come up with a pretty consistent "$ per/hr" that I think I can maintain using this tool. This is good enough to get me where I want to go with trading. With consistency, MM, discipline and increasing lot trip is mapped out.
For what it's worth:
1) KISS (like G-mom reminds us)
2) Re-read every Skunny post.
3) Dwell on every Skunny chart.
4) Think a little outside the box.
5) Figure out a way to use the "BAT" that works for you.
5) It's all good!
Anyway....enough rambling from me. Everything said IMHO...Ignored
Nice work on the trading !!take what you need and leave the rest KISS. Awesome. We are a hetereogenous bunch as someone put it all coming from different places and styles and wahtever. A rough task for anyone to teach so sticking to the basics seems best and letting everyone develop from there. IF you walked in un profitable, walk out profitable , if you walked in profitable, walk out more profitabler?..??.. my brain dying... need... something..
Anyone want a nice little frilly feel good butterfly analogy? Falling down picking yourself back up and hitting a home run? No? me neither. BLT yes frilly? no.
I pray for the souls of anyone who is on my path. Here is a snapshot into my afternoon chart.... my face is pressed on teh glass at 1M ......LOL
Dislikedhey bud...was wondering y u didnt choose this here ala lowell style?Ignored
Nice work on the trading !!take what you need and leave the rest KISS. Awesome. We are a hetereogenous bunch as someone put it all coming from different places and styles and wahtever. A rough task for anyone to teach so sticking to the basics seems best and letting everyone develop from there. IF you walked in un profitable, walk out profitable , if you walked in profitable, walk out more profitabler?..??.. my brain dying... need... something..
Anyone want a nice little frilly feel good butterfly analogy? Falling down picking yourself back up and hitting a home run? No? me neither. BLT yes frilly? no.
I pray for the souls of anyone who is on my path. Here is a snapshot into my afternoon chart.... my face is pressed on teh glass at 1M ......LOL
Dislikedi'm still tuck on lowells post about 38 and 61 see if u all like this.... love to get some comments and fellow testers
ps there is defintiely a quailt there...just cant seem to bag it
need a lil help hereIgnored
Dislikedthanks sizz maybe i misinterpreted the lowell quail lol.... will try the sizzlowellsupadupaquailerificstyleIgnored
DislikedFor me, I'd drop down to the 15 min chart and then trade some of those internal - on your chart - moves. With so many fibs on the chart its a tad difficult to work out what your trying to say.....
Old Buddhist proverb:
“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”
Gang....HH sees what I see (I think). I saw it a while ago but thought there must be more. I talked about what I was doing but with all the ideas and charts and posts.....I kept looking for the next secret.....the next level. I think we all were sitting around waiting for Skunny to do more than he ever said he would.
Read Galaxymom's last post. Read what HH just said.
DXtrade (and all of us who share his feelings)....consider:
Skunny walked onto a baseball diamond and saw us all trying to hit the ball. Some were using brooms....some using shovels.....some using fishing poles. Some of us were trying to kick the ball......some to throw it....some roll it....some using golf clubs. We were all frustrated.
In walks Skunny. He shows us a bat. WOW!
Then....he tosses the ball in the air and hits it into the outfield. Hits one on the ground past third. Then....he gives us all bats of our own and says; "That's a hits balls always works when you practice".
Man.....! Even if he never came back.....we are all way beyond golf clubs and fishing poles now.
I honestly believe Skunny has really given us all we need to know to become successful at trading.....enough to turn it into our profession given enough time. I can't ask (or expect) more than that.
Back to baseball....
He may not give us batting lessons; but, with the introduction of the bat and a few demonstrations.....we all have enough to go and pratice and learn with. Some will become single hitters....some home-runs.....some will bunt. But.....all can be successful in a way that works for them using the same tool in a way that works for them!
Perfection is nice but 98%....95%....89%......heck they all beat 50/50 coin tossing or blindly following some lagging indicator.
Skunny told us he was not going to tell us everything. He was not going to hold our hands. He was not going to tell us how HE trades. know......why should he! He spent years to learn what he has found. What he has graciously shown so far is plenty to start with.....I may never get the Gann problemo......what exists in the posts so far is enough if need be.
Furthermore.....I don't think Skunny wants THE answer on how to trade this laid out on page 250, page 500, or post 4000. Why?.....
1) As he said (and some have agreed).....self discovery is most important can't really learn or understand this if you don't do it. He is teaching us to fish....not giving us fish.
2) Skunny spent years on this. Some of us have spent a couple months.....some (like Sizz) have spent day and night. Why should someone who walks in without "putting in some time learning and helping out others" be given the "keys to the kingdom". Let's not forget.....the markets are not is a battlefield out there.....let no one be deceived about how easy this easy by having it given out on a silver spoon. (sorry if this sounds too harsh)
3) Most importantly.....we are all going to develop our own spin to this. We have been given a tool (bat). There is no right or wrong way to use it. Find out what works for you. Long term, intermediate, scalp, filter your indicator system.......all can work nicely.
In all honesty....I've gone back to what worked for me using this. I got too caught up in what everyone else was doing.....too many different roads to follow ( the way it should be).
I'm going back to using this tool to fine tune a method of use that fits my time schedule, my available funds, my risk tolerance, etc. What I do may not work for anyone else but that's OK.
Today....I bagged 46 pips.....batted 100%....multiple trades......mucho-low risk......and have come up with a pretty consistent "$ per/hr" that I think I can maintain using this tool. This is good enough to get me where I want to go with trading. With consistency, MM, discipline and increasing lot trip is mapped out.
For what it's worth:
1) KISS (like G-mom reminds us)
2) Re-read every Skunny post.
3) Dwell on every Skunny chart.
4) Think a little outside the box.
5) Figure out a way to use the "BAT" that works for you.
5) It's all good!
Anyway....enough rambling from me. Everything said IMHO...Ignored
DislikedWhat? Is Lowell holding out on me? I will get HIM!!!!! He said it would be Sizzlowell or Lowezzler style!!! I want my money back!!!! and my Llama!! j/k
Actually as far as I know our charts our the same we are trading together right now ,but that would explain why I am down 210 pips and Lowell is Up 210 pips today!!!!!
I am punching out around End of NY maybe around 3 est if the market is dead I will check it out then. also hopefully my email cleared up that confusion. sorry I am a dingbat. thankfully you knew that already.
DislikedBrunite says it for me, too.
My journey through all this is far from over, but it confirms that I was on the right track when I started looking at fibs a few weeks ago.
I have arrived at my own trading 'system' as a result of this journey. It needs testing; it will be refined further.
Of course, if Skunny posts further hints, I shall work on them. I shall try to take on board further insights provided here. I am not a complete idiot, or arrogant enough to think I now have all the answers.
I do have one helluva lot more than I did a month ago.