AWESOME! soooweet. I think that is so cool. just out of curiosity what was the final outcome of those dubs?
ny fave us how fibs build into what i do right now too I mean how I trades works really well so if it ain't broke.
AWESOME! soooweet. I think that is so cool. just out of curiosity what was the final outcome of those dubs?
ny fave us how fibs build into what i do right now too I mean how I trades works really well so if it ain't broke.
great commentary.......
speaking of cycles within cycles.......
I was walking through a session of Vhands the other night on the daily time frame and was pausing it whenever I came across a DBHLC or DBLHC. Now under my old trading style/circumstances I would have just thought about trading off those bars as I saw them based on where the next bar was likely to go if it seemed logical to do so.
But now after taking to heart some of the things skunny has posted in regards to fib levels, I peel it back to the weekly fibs first, then I realized that some of those DBHLC and DBLHC bars on a daily chart that I was prepared to trade under the normal fashion were actually formed at the extreme higher end of the fib cycle for that week (138 or 162) which made me think twice about whether or not those were actually good price action bars to trade.
Now it may not be much of an ahaa moment for some but for "me" it was a clear "learning moment" when I realized that after seeing a DBLHC which formed at the upper most end of the 138 or 162 that it was easier to determine that it just wasn't going to have enough momentum to go any higher.Ignored