southernmind I`m sorry to tell you that but.... you don`t have a clue how to use the fib lines.You just draw and draw and draw. And someday you will loose all your money.So stop now.Stop using any lines at all.Think about the market like a game.Game with a lot of loosers and a bunch of guys getting rich
every day.Imagine you are a chicken in an egg.And you have to get out before you get boiled .So what I am trying to say is think different.And its so easy once you see it. Check this out
Regards Fireeee
every day.Imagine you are a chicken in an egg.And you have to get out before you get boiled .So what I am trying to say is think different.And its so easy once you see it. Check this out
Regards Fireeee
Bulls Make Money, Bears Make Money, Pigs Get Slaughtered