DislikedOh thank god someone other than me said it(got my head bitten off for doing it elsewhere, thx, no more)Ignored

yeah yeah, i know there are a few of you ed-seykota-zen-garden traders out there, and yeah you guys hate the fundies. and if you want a balanced life, i agree this is a good style to use. but for hardcore professional trading, i feel you are missing out by ignoring the news. nobody believes every word of what they read, but fundamental and economic knowledge gives a clear edge to a trader, just like technical analysis does. one big caveat - the trader must be able to interpret the news. this takes years of experience, there are no shortcuts that i know of. its not like technical analysis where you can flip through a chart pattern book and learn the ropes in two weeks. i find many times that those who dislike news dont have the ability to interpret it yet.
and btw seeking, i said i never "met" a trader who thinks news is worthless, i meant that literally as in traded on the same desk

Relax and be happy.