What kind of trader do you think you are/will be ricardo?
Im really touched for the kind offer Bill, thats really above and beyond!
You know lately I have been retracing the old forex education from when I started, going over it and finding new gems. When I started 4 or so months ago it was all very greek to me, but slowly it started to stick. Demo trading was the best teacher in this way because it let me see how things actually work and figure them out. Now when I go back the suggestions on different ways to use the basics make just so much more sense eh? Perhaps less is more after all.
Im really touched for the kind offer Bill, thats really above and beyond!
You know lately I have been retracing the old forex education from when I started, going over it and finding new gems. When I started 4 or so months ago it was all very greek to me, but slowly it started to stick. Demo trading was the best teacher in this way because it let me see how things actually work and figure them out. Now when I go back the suggestions on different ways to use the basics make just so much more sense eh? Perhaps less is more after all.
The only stupid question is the one not asked