Takisd, do you know who this guy is ? He's talking about launching 2 eval models, transparency, stable rules, etc.
Anyone trading with a Prop firm 6 replies
So I accepted a Prop Trading job in South Beach Miami 44 replies
prop firm new model - my trading journey 871 replies
DislikedFunding pips now has 3 payout timelines. The 100% is a complete joke. {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} this all happened off stream last Wed, so who the hell really knows what actually happened other than Matt & Apex. Blowing 9-10K in DD per account (>180K total) in 1 day is absolutely ridiculous trading behavior. With that kind of DD im risking <$500 per trade with a max of 2 losses and I'm done for the day. If I had to guess, I think Matt does way more risky trading away from his live streams. In the past he would routinely miraculously recover from bad loss days off stream.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Are these EA HFT ? I'm asking because if people are really trusting on an EA they could put it working in a demo and then replicate manually those trades in prop account. Yes, some signals will be missed, but statistically they will be winnings and losses.Ignored
Disliked{quote} His latest video mentions it. Regardless whatever happen, people have to realize that there will be bad days. No one smashes it consistently. He let his losses (on that day) get into his head and it snowballed. You just have to set limits for yourself and stick to it. Its a mental game that will always test you.Ignored
Disliked{quote} It is literally the toughest part of trading. Can not tell you how many times I'll make $300 for 3 days in a row and lose $800 on the 4th. Once you can control this, it is literally a game changer. Everyone can make money, most cannot hold on to it. Even though it is preached over and over, control the losses, the profits take care of themselves........human emotions take over in most.Ignored
DislikedSomebody here knows how to backtest Cumulative Volume Delta (CVD) on futures (ES and Euro) for a longer period of time? I wanted to add this to my strategy because of potential to differentiate between A and B setups, but even with Tradingview premium the max I can go back to is march this year on the 5 min.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Just update my experience with HFT firm Nova, I have gotten 18 payouts from them so far. Yesterday I got my payout in 29 hours from my request to payment credit to my coinbase account, I am glad I traded with Nova, an American firm, I have never had any issues with my payouts. Unfortunately, they don't accept US citizens any more since Mar, 2024Ignored
Disliked{quote} Thats the smart move. Opening new account and trade lot size like max 1 lot in 100K and keeping it consistent is the way to go rather than fixing existing account. As higher Dawin ratio more returns and less work.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Question for anyone with Darwinex knowledge......I completed futures 15 day calibration Friday, will be getting my rating today. On the forex account, I must have not traded enough, just completed today, but they only issue Dawins on Monday, so not getting that one until July 8....... If I trade this week, will it affect my rating, or are they only using the data from the period which completed today?Ignored
Disliked{quote} {image} I read it wrong lol.. i thought he said its resolved.......Ignored
DislikedI seem a paid agent of Blue Guardian recently but the truth is that I received another payout and, just like the last one, it was fast. 5 hours for the money to be in Rise + account unblocked. 4 figures low.Ignored
Disliked{quote} You probably have to buy a database of futures 5m back adjusted. Recently, I purchased the futures bundle in FirstRateData to backtest a couple of things in Multicharts. It's quite affordable compared with alternatives and so far seems good for me. Not a recommendation.Ignored