Disliked{quote} I get it, but I have been paid the last time 3 weeks ago. So its pretty recent. But it seems like this interview thing is also rather recent. Although, I have seen in February claims on Telegram that Fundingpips have requested to do interviews for some traders in order to get paid out. And despite that, I scored a couple of payouts (3) from Apr -> May. Do we have concrete cases or evidence that they have blocked payouts with false accusations? I am thinking like the wave of TFT before that one went to the toilet. That would be the red alarm....Ignored
Not sure if that was true but at least I saw a couple of tweets deleted regarding delayed payouts. This was before this 2 weeks hiatus for system upgrade (which ended yesterday).
It's also reasonable established that FP is restringing several traders in leverage (1:5) and risk per day (I think 1%).
Let's see how this involves.