Disliked{quote} tnx to all reading my thread and my subscribers.. they might be awarded for this in the near future... Wanted to reply that I am thinking abou the drop level... 3m EURUSD downtrend is almost sure... just that this ecb/fed fiasco goes through, just in case.. but I am 90%+ of the downtrend till the end of OCT (at least - at which point new projection might follow... have a vague clue already.. but that needs to be confirmed...).. Just thinking if drop to 1.10 will be enough in the next 3m... or we might go to PAIR (parity)... ATM I am still...Ignored
It seems that we are going towards the 1.1000 and not towards the parity, just yet... So I would still bet for the price to be, at the end of OCT, lets say... 31OCT2019... at 1.1000... From which you can conclude rather SLOW (but hopefully without much drama) EURUSD decline... Which is helpful even for day-trading... to have some wind in the backs so in SHORT, SHORT! Tnx... That would be it people, hope anyone appreciates the RIGHT predictions (for now) that would be all for now.. will see what happens.. Will reply here by that time, the latest, if all goes well... Here is the latest snapshot...
BEFORE (25JUL19): https://www.forexfactory.com/showthr...9#post12403989
NOW (06AUG19): see pic below
P.S. Hope you can get profit out of this MERLIN's LINE (you won't believe how much effort is needed to produce this)? Buying below maybe, but specially selling above?
Can you afford to take that chance?