Disliked{quote} Oh of course. I thought others might be interested too so I thought it best to put out the warning. You have to pay the originator of the 1% club $100 or so to get the information. For many people, it's well worth it. But I don't want to advocate for or against it. People will have to do their own searching in this one. By the way, it breaks my heart that t the time ran out for your ftmo challenge. Great job, my man.Ignored
appreciate the kind words, thank you present - i felt it coming when i took my last set of gold trades too high and then moving into drawdown, i was still confident the targets would hit and was hopeful before the trial expired, but not to be...
not to worry, more lessons were learnt that should transpire into success in the nest trial! cheers mate and all the best to you...
every minute matters!