Hit 1200 usd but the Market is slow.....
Trying scalping with a 1000 bucks - Scalping is expensive! 39 replies
strategy builder/tester for new scalping strategy 1 reply
1M & 5M Scalping System (Scalping Paradise) 21 replies
Reversals vs. CounterTrend Trade 28 replies
CounterTrend Trading 58 replies
Dislikedcpfleger, one thing wrong with this new template to many good trade setups don't know which one to take lol {image} {image} {image} {image}Ignored
DislikedDonny3rd, As Abade stated on page, post 1, that the KoF EMA Strategy is a high risk system due to the what I call negative cost averaging objective and I played for 6 months and came to the conclusion that KoF highlights over the last 3 years, the Balance must be 500 to 1000 usd in a Live account or you will go bust. Cost averaging process is the high risk and on page 1 Abade attached KoF YouTube Video that most people here prabably have not watched exlaining the tough / runaway trading technique but again if you have enough money in a Live account....Ignored
DislikedNo home runs, no touchdowns, no 123 your out, no excuses as this is where your good or bad habit starts right now. We need to walk (feel the Market) slowly, listen and learn how the Market cycles and engage with the Market as this is YOUR trading business now.....Ignored