The Market is beautiful, just look.
Trying scalping with a 1000 bucks - Scalping is expensive! 39 replies
strategy builder/tester for new scalping strategy 1 reply
1M & 5M Scalping System (Scalping Paradise) 21 replies
Reversals vs. CounterTrend Trade 28 replies
CounterTrend Trading 58 replies
DislikedSeabreeze, Yes but the thought was around the difference in the Timeframes - M1 to M5, your eyes do not align properly and all most retail Traders see is the 5M line of green candles and Money, not the 1 Trade or many trades on the 1M because we want a Lambo and NOT to become a Process Master, thats soooo boring.. More money for me then. cpflegerIgnored
Disliked37 to 39 Viewers and only 2 to 3 participants... proves my point. I spent many years perfecting Baseball as a teenager, practice and f*cking practice but it paid off, 3 State Championships before my 16th Birthday, I was great. Now after over 40 years serving many Companies in my career I retired and now I am a Process Master. No one but ME. Have a great day people. cpflegerIgnored
Disliked{quote} Thanks good to see the regulars still active. I've been taking care of the wife after a recent surgery.. so this was all done on a mobile phone watching the signals on a VPS i have.Ignored
DislikedDear cpfleger I don't post my tade but i practice a lot. I don't know why, but i'm not as successfull as others and for sure less less than you I don't like to enter a lot of positions like KOF (big risk of big loss and too much stress for me) I put a SL at 5 pips Question: When you are in a loosing position, do you close the trade at the 3rd candle ? When you have a reverse signal with a loosing position, do you close ? Thank you for your help ChrisIgnored
Disliked37-39 néző és csak 2-3 résztvevő... bizonyítja az álláspontomat. Sok évet töltöttem azzal, hogy tinédzserként tökéletesítsem a baseballt, edzek és rohadt gyakorlatokat, de kifizetődő volt, 3 állami bajnokság a 16. születésnapom előtt, nagyszerű voltam. Most, miután több mint 40 évet szolgáltam több vállalatnál karrierem során, nyugdíjba vonultam, és most folyamatmester vagyok. Senki, csak ÉN. Szép napot emberek. cpflegerIgnored
Disliked{quote} If you are scalping for a few pips on lower time frame it is better to choose something with lower spread. Or is there a reason you chose this pair?Ignored
Disliked{quote} Dear cpfleger, I also use your indicators, I like them all very much. I try really hard to follow the rules, but I make mistakes several times... and even then I'm still profitable in Demo. There is also (I know this is not necessarily good) I open a position on both sides and wait for the loss to be minimized. Do you like the KOF 6 template, can you share it? Thanks.Ignored
Disliked{quote} I'm not cpfleger so apologies. What's your target on the 5 pips stop? Assume you're trading the 1 minute? Not as succesful as others! So you make money but not happy?Ignored
Disliked{quote} Hey erod, hope your wife is recuperating and doing well and you're able to dedicate more times to the screens. How are you finding the prop trading? Decent fills and slippage not an issue?Ignored