Disliked{quote} just put solar panels or wind turbine and earn good money{quote}

Today we can see 4.5 bitcoin transactions per second. Wow, fkn amazing! At this transactions rate, the power consumption is about 150'000'000'000'000 kwh, which is the energy consumption of Argentina. Ok.
Now, transactions made with Visa only, average 1,700 per second. This is ~377 times over than the number of transactions in bitcoin.
Do the fkn math, how many Argentina's power consumption we need to feed that trumpeted bitcoin global adoption as money !! At 45 million Argentina's people population x 377 is the 17 billion people's consumption amount...

BTW, happy birthday, y'all !! I've just seen the news, today, we are 8 billion people on this planet

Anyway, is not a matter of time for a change in resource's volume. Time will bring some, but never enough for crypto. The point is that we'd need 2 planet's resources only to feed bitcoin as money

That's why PoW at scale is absurd.
...and you

Disliked{quote} you can set up solar panels in Argentina.. there are plenty of sunny days there{image}
