Quoting spacemanDislikedI revised the code replacing orders per your instructions above (TS 2000 to TS 8.1). Verifying code required "next bar" be added so as an example "Buy 5 Contract tunneltop Stop" was changed to "Buy 5 Contract next bar tunneltop Stop". The code verifies, but nothing plots.
Any help would be appreciated. Below is the revised code:
{System name. 1 Hour tunnel - revised for TS 8.1}
{*********Short Fib profit-taking Exit*********}
If MarketPosition = -1 And CurrentContracts = 5 then begin
Buy to cover ("Sfib55") 1 Contract next bar at profit55s Limit;
If MarketPosition = -1 And CurrentContracts = 4 then begin
Buy to cover ("Sfib89") 1 Contract next bar at profit89s Limit;
If MarketPosition = -1 And CurrentContracts = 3 then begin
Buy to cover ("Sfib144") 1 Contract next bar profit144s Limit;
If MarketPosition = -1 And CurrentContracts = 2 then begin
Buy to cover ("Sfib233") 1 Contract next bar profit233s Limit;
If MarketPosition = -1 And CurrentContracts = 1 then begin
Buy to cover ("sfib377") 1 Contract next bar profit377s Limit;
I'm sure Claude will respond but while you are waiting,
The above Code is Not an Indicator. It is a Strategy. As such, it will not display anything other than Signals to Buy, Sell or Take Profit on Multi Lot Trades.
To display these Signals...
Try this.
In Easy Languge Editor
1) Verify Code
From Easy Language Menu Bar, Click
2) Go > Trade Station Strategy Builder > New
3) Name Your Strategy > Next > Add
4) Browse to " 1 Hour tunnel - revised for TS 8.1 " > OK > Next
5) Confirm Default Inputs
6) Continue to follow requests for your choices.
7) Finish
Your New Strategy will now show up in your Strategy List
Good Luck