Hi, I personally don't think making 1% per day is possible with the perspective that you literally make every day 1%. However, I do think that if you have a time frame of 1 month you can make an average of 1% per day. I myself have an average of about 12 trades a day. That means that I can't take more than 0.5% risk on 1 trade otherwise I would end up with drawdowns of 80-90% which is not good risk management.
- Joined Jun 2020 | Status: Penny Lot Lifestyle | 575 Posts
Win or lose, everybody gets what they deserve out of the market
- Joined Jun 2020 | Status: Penny Lot Lifestyle | 575 Posts
Win or lose, everybody gets what they deserve out of the market
- Joined Jun 2020 | Status: Penny Lot Lifestyle | 575 Posts
Win or lose, everybody gets what they deserve out of the market
- Joined Nov 2006 | Status: Member | 4,150 Posts
to trade and code, keep both simple... no call to impress....h