DislikedThe numbers on the ratio of losers and winners. in fact, nothing is for sure. But overall, in my experience it is approximate. Because, the nature of a trader is not a schoolIgnored

Why you lose money and will always lose 42 replies
Only 75% of retail traders lose? 32 replies
Did we Lose any Brokers? Are we going to Lose a few? 1 reply
Why most of traders lose on forex? 43 replies
Real Reasons why Retail Traders lose money 75 replies
DislikedThe numbers on the ratio of losers and winners. in fact, nothing is for sure. But overall, in my experience it is approximate. Because, the nature of a trader is not a schoolIgnored
Disliked{quote} I don't understand the question at all. What's there to clarify?Ignored
Disliked{quote} Which is more reason why there's more against the retail trader than simply being misinformed. Although this thread isn't about brokers, I didn't really know spreads are better in the retail sector, not that it matters anyway since supposedly "95" percent lose. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the number is higher. Those that have made consistent profits are traders who have learned to adapt their strategy to market conditions or have inside information.Ignored
DislikedHonestly, I have not seen a single trader in my career who didn’t make huge losses. And there’s nothing very surprising about this because that’s how the game works. You sometimes lose more than you win but if the value of profits is more than your losses, you are doing well.Ignored
DislikedHonestly, I have not seen a single trader in my career who didn’t make huge losses. And there’s nothing very surprising about this because that’s how the game works. You sometimes lose more than you win but if the value of profits is more than your losses, you are doing well.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Is there any evidence to prove that ANY retail trader has EVER been consistently profitable over 5 - 10 years? And if so, how profitable - did they still need to keep the day job and have 'alternative income streams'? I haven't seen any evidence, ever, of a person earning a living from trading forex. Not once. Ever.Ignored