Disliked{quote} Oh yes, perception its always based on the mindset of the viewer, however there are "realitys" are absolute, wheter we like it or not.. and maybe "logic" isnt the proper word, maybe its something like an "structured aproach"? to a problem.. like a step by step/guideline, sorry but english its not native for me, but i have the idea very clear and i can explain easily.. in my languageand yes, logic (my explanation) and math goes hand in hand as the "grow up" part, YES, when we have a bad/negative personality...
Another approach I need to work on is digital signal analysis, because I used it in the past to extract periodicity and power from raw data quite successfully. But trading is more complex than other data sources. I think it is not that popular, but Fourier-transform is a very interesting out-of-the-box tool available for everyone.
Regarding the personal traits, I always recommend reading Steenbarger's work on trading psychology before even starting with technical analysis.
Thank you for your insights and advices.