DislikedI don't privately mentor anyone. Seeing as the rules are the same for all of us .... That means all of you AND me. My suggestion to someone who wants to learn to trade would be this ... * Usually there is no reason to join any site to be able to access the information and knowledge found on the site. Trading sites are known for changing the way people think. It's important to understand that opinions are not going to help you learn how you can trade. Only what you can do is important. * Know that you are alone. Trading is an activity best done on...Ignored
The site was full of threads a bit like this one. People wanting to know... People arguing about how to.... People dissing other people just because their point of view differed from "their own".
I succumbed, I devoted about an hour to a page of text sharing some truths, and I have not been back since.
The truth is this, in support of your previous post: as you wrote, people come to these websites in search of knowledge and that makes them susceptible to a good salesman. The parallel to that is that, as I wrote just above, you almost never find successful traders on these types of website.
1) they don't need to learn much, the market is your teacher and your own mistakes the tutor.
2) the horrendous invective levelled by some people at traders who attempt to correct misconception is unbelievable, and ultimately intolerable, so they go away.
Everybody is different.
Carbon-Dioxide: the gas of life! https://youtu.be/ttJBdr6eBuo