Soory for these ppl but these is the ugly truth

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Anyone trading with a Prop firm 6 replies
So I accepted a Prop Trading job in South Beach Miami 44 replies
prop firm new model - my trading journey 871 replies
Dislikedwell, It does not matter, whther it is 10k or 100k. Dicipline is important. If one does not have dicipline, he/she looses 10k or 500 dollar. If one follows dicipline, he/she can earn : In a 10k account, 5 % a month : 500 dollar. In a 100k account, 5 % a month with 80 % profit split : 5k x 0.8 = 4k Loosing 500 dollar for an Income of 4k per month ( minimum ) is much better than loosing 10k for monthly income of 500 $. IMO. I do not want to get into this kind of debate, and loose track.Ignored
Disliked{quote} That's right but 5% of 10k won't make most people monthly budget needs,so they pushed to make more and that's the problem and losses will appear,but 5% of 100k looks much better and add it 7 times...........Ignored
DislikedGuys, please, I need some help. I started a The5%ers (MT5) Summer Challenge. All the tools I use (for a Basket setup) are for MT4 only. Unable to transfer them to MT5. I have started copying Trades from MT4 to MT5, but the accounts are too different. I am looking for an MT4 demo with the possibility of setting: - leverage 1:10 - deposit of 25,000 Dollars - possibly without expiry. That's 5 days of unsuccessful searches. Thank you.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Yes, I use HOLO in addition to others. One has to practice HOLOIgnored
DislikedSo, first day with MFF is done. So far so good,1% profit is home. I'd like to ask more experiences MFF warriors what is amount in red circle (300.06) if today's profit is 1026.19? Is it today's max loss without - sign? {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Do not mind about the number in red circle. It updates slowly.......Ignored
Disliked{quote} Do not mind about the number in red circle. It updates slowly. Keep in mind to check dashboard often. The actual profit updates once you close trades in profit/loss, and not before that. Make sure you see the allowed daily loss limit everyday. And check it mt4 account.Ignored