In the book Tunnel Thru The Air, or looking back from 1940, Gann writes about a love story between Robert Gordon and Marie Stanton
I figured Robert to represent the planet Jupiter and Marie representing the Moon.
Marie disappears for a while (find out how long) and then 'returns', signifying a lunar return.
Now, they are in "LOVe" they love each other so much.
So apparently there is a vibration between the Moon and Jupiter.
Attached is an indicator where you can plot synodic cycles between the various planets.
Plot one for Jupiter and Moon on EURUSD and see what you find.
Of course you need your astro files and ephemeris installed on MT4.
I figured Robert to represent the planet Jupiter and Marie representing the Moon.
Marie disappears for a while (find out how long) and then 'returns', signifying a lunar return.
Now, they are in "LOVe" they love each other so much.
So apparently there is a vibration between the Moon and Jupiter.
Attached is an indicator where you can plot synodic cycles between the various planets.
Plot one for Jupiter and Moon on EURUSD and see what you find.
Of course you need your astro files and ephemeris installed on MT4.
Attached File(s)
Planet Cycles 1.04.ex4
37 KB
Attached File(s)
Planet Cycles 1.04.mq4
15 KB