It doesn’t need to make sense Cubby, you get a 250% bonus on any deposits to Samtradefx!!

300 pip drawdown a month- what does it mean? 2 replies
One trade per daily bar, or per X bars on current timeframe 0 replies
1 trade per pair per year 6 replies
multiple systems per pair/multiple pairs per system? 3 replies
Trading 24 hours per day, 5 days per week 14 replies
DislikedOMG! I just noticed! These profit, withdraw, deposits and balance numbers don't make sense! The deposits make 0 sense! Why so many deposits? Just too funny! {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Trader's account is maintained at $10000. A copy trader doesn't need to keep any extra funds in his own account, he earns through profit sharing. With $20m worth of funds copying him at 10% return a month and his share of 25% from profit sharing, he's pocketing roughly half a million dollars every month. He's already earning millions, without risking his own money. Is that very hard to understand? I'm out.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Sure thing bud. I ask again.... Why are you here when your EA only has -1.26% DD and makes 10% a month? This means you could scale this strategy by at least 50X and make 500% EVERY single month! Do you understand this? This means a $100 balance would be over 2 million dollars in just 3 months. Lies lies lies... Come on man.... At least be more realistic with your fudged trading numbers so they are more believable.Stop preying on new traders....
Disliked{quote} I'm getting a bit tired of trying to explain here, but I appreciate the change in tone. I repeat, for the third time, that it's pointless to copy a scalping strategy that scalps 1-10 pips profit on another broker, automated or not. The latency and difference in price between 2 brokers will make the strategy absolutely redundant. Once again, have a look at the difference between EURUSD and EURUSDy on the same broker, they look different due to difference in spread and commission. Forgive me but I'm going to sound a bit blunt here since I...Ignored
DislikedSystem doesnt work with brokers that charges commission based on lot size. Typically dubious brokers offers commission free trading. Otherwise, please enlighten me.Ignored
Dislikedgood news, samtrade will be regulated by Singapore starting next week. Can signup by my referral or zenkh. I've been getting consistent returns same as the account shared in the postIgnored
Disliked{quote} Autocopying scalping is very easy to do. Your looking at less than a second latency copying (for the most part) and even if for whatever reason it takes a second r two or a few the price generally doesnt move that much in that time. Open up a tick chart and watch it for yourself. So, the obvious way to settle this argument of whether its a scam or not is to just copy your signals into a MT4 account with a known broker with much tigher spreads, that way there are no excuses. Since this is easy to do why dont we do it? also, FYI, There is...Ignored
DislikedI'm going to shoot straight here. I'm promoting a trader I've been copying for 6 months now. I have done all my due diligence before I even dare to bring this up to my closest friends. I'm not directly affiliated to the trader but I do gain some incentive from promoting him which I will explain further down this post. But before that let me first provide the link that everyone wants to see the most: REAL (not demo) track record for the past one year: 1.26% drawdown 10%+ consistent...Ignored