you cannot convince me the Euro should be anywhere in the same galaxy of 1.18/1.19 at this juncture or probably ever for that matter...they print like maniacs, have all the same issues as the US or worse...have more deadbeat countries than you can shake a stick at and adding everything with no one wanting to pay taxes either...basically Germany is the only one worth mentioning...i saw this emotion filled BS run to the moon coming from a mile away but almost cannot bear to buy the junk even as a it stands from a purely technical aspect it's probably 350 pips my honest opinion it should in the 1.03-1.05 range at never even fully retraced the last fluke up past 1.20...we're all forced to play along no matter what but overall it seems like the quality of trading has really went downhill the past 6-8 months or so... NYC just seems to get manhandled by London on everything like they're colluding or something...then after London close everything goes into super stupid mode with rock em sock em algo wars...maybe it's just the summer blues or something...but back on topic...anyone else think the Euro would be better suited on a toilet roll than anything else?