Disliked{quote} Hi The Secrets How did you calculate that number? I used this tool provided by OANDA: https://www.oanda.com/embed/show/interest_calc/1/? Trading daily forex pairs, and keeping my winners for about 2 months, it eats a bit less than 10% of the profits, which is ugly. Add taxes...not easy to make any $, with those costs.Ignored
That calculator seems to be displaying a different rate.
It seems the calculator gives:
-0.08% for long position
-3.42% for short position
which translates into -1.67%/+1.67% price adjustment for long/short and -1.75% "admin fee"
Now I checked today's rates at https://www.oanda.com/rw-en/trading/financing-costs/ and found:
-8.46% for long position
-6.54% for short position
which translates into -0.96%/+0.96% price adjustment and -7.5% "admin fee" (what?!!!)
Compare -8.46%/-6.54% to yesterday's -2.83%/-2.17%
Either there is a mistake/bug in their system, or they truly became yet another scammer.