Whether you think you can, or you think you can't,you're right. H.F.

The Gorilla Method EA 195 replies
bo7a method... method for GBP/JPY 205 replies
(Method) Trading Systems 1 reply
Inquiry of 400:1 leverage method 11 replies
Simple trading method 49 replies
Disliked{quote} and another picture for the button pusher from the vatican. your banana of the day {image}Ignored
Dislikedo fuk simple ist Back lol - i start toooo like him - would like tooo pull his fukkin tailIgnored
DislikedGJ Valid Signal Call no. 11 Sell from 138,622 Target 210 pips ( +9%) Stop 70 pips ( -3%) Risk 3% Be careful to follow this call, because Mr. President is still giving a speech.Ignored
Dislikedi know i should Not trade + post this pair usin gorilla's syst. = TP @ S3 , SL man. {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} My trade for this call is still running. Short from 138.67. Many green pips. <3Ignored
Dislikedalways Disliked Asian session , almost NO move't = imho just awaist of time - - - a slow pingPong fukkin game - hav 2 wait for d London session i guess$$$$$$$Ignored
DislikedBro Cm7, It is just about midnight here and I have work in the morning, so I must go to bed. I plan to get up in 3 hrs to check on Dragon trade instructions....do you think there will be any new such trades before then? Thanks!Ignored