Disliked{quote} No it's my last question concerning the dragon pairs lol. I will now wait until you reveal the rest of the teaching on this subject.Ignored

The Gorilla Method EA 195 replies
bo7a method... method for GBP/JPY 205 replies
(Method) Trading Systems 1 reply
Inquiry of 400:1 leverage method 11 replies
Simple trading method 49 replies
Disliked{quote} No it's my last question concerning the dragon pairs lol. I will now wait until you reveal the rest of the teaching on this subject.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Bro I started feeding the dog beef and chicken pastelles with yogurt for dessert and jello and he's wagging his tail now hahaha Say no to dog chow :-)Ignored
Disliked{quote} hahahaa....bro you're a comedian and professional trader too :-) multi talented and multi skilled too While typing this I saw EURUSD looking like VS entry probably closeIgnored
Dislikedan oldeee = Forex trader: What is a million years like to you? God: Like one second. Forex trader: What is a million dollars like to you? God: Like one penny. Forex trader: Can I have a penny? God: Just a second …Ignored
Dislikedgbpjpy no VS ... but this is monday ... no strong momentum ... {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} hi hesrondopa, what indicator is that with magenta colured lines?Ignored
Disliked{quote} that horizontal line is no indicator bro, .... I draw manually as zone support and resistanceIgnored
Dislikeda Newer 1 , then i stop - promise 4sure ! A rather frugal man asked the bank for a loan of one dollar and was told he would have to pay nine percent interest at the end of the year. For security he offered $60,000. in U.S. bonds. The banker, foreseeing a potential depositor, accepted the bonds and gave the man a dollar. At the end of the year, he was back with a dollar and nine cents to clear up his debt and asked for the return of his bonds. Upon returning the bonds the banker asked, "I don't want to be inquisitive, but since you have all those...Ignored
DislikedI am really anxious to see the movement of this Australian dragon.{image}