DislikedI've decided to put the system on MT4 strategy tester. Apologies if I didn't bothered posting some pictures. Twice in a row the test account was blown because of spikes in prices. The other problem I saw was the EA keeps modifying the number of lots per trade. If only the EA had stick to a permanent number of lots I think that would be much better. Thanks.Ignored
as such, it must change the lot sizes, the whole core of martingale.
since in BT you wont have the option to skip the high impact news releases, in those BT you wont be able to avoid the spikes in prices.
again, if you read the thread, OP mentioned that he close the EA before high impact news, and resume trading after.
seem to make the difference, since his account is up 400% in 5 week
there is always, always another trade!!