From 464.95 $ to 26ī189ī776.80 $ This is the goal. Gaining 20% monthly for at least 5 years. I started the challenge on 1 April 2020 and was using Wordpress to keep the journal. The problem is that it's messy and I can't see very well the charts published. If you want to check the link HERE. So I will try to import all my trades of this month and keep updating this thread instead to see the charts more clearly. I trade usually 1 hour per day and 1 trade per day. My trades are swings, so they can last several days to 1-2 weeks maximum. This month I closed some trades on the weekend because the news can change the logic behind my trades. I will update shortly all the trades and today's new trade. A buy on USDJPY.
If you have any questions about the system I use in my trading refer to Davit's thread. All the credits go to him.
If you have any questions about the system I use in my trading refer to Davit's thread. All the credits go to him.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit