After having read a lot about Forex in this forum and elsewhere one term keeps coming back: "successful trader". What is that? Someone who consistently makes a profit regardless of how he/she does it? Or is it more to the term than mere profit and/or loss? It would be interesting to hear what people here mean when they use this term. Who are the heros and idols in the world of Forex trading? Again, is it the ones that are able to pick a big winner and stay with it making a years salary in a week, or the ones that stick to their guns and make a profit in the end treating ups and downs as part of the trade they are trying to master? Is it ia "craft", or is it a game?
I'm too inexperienced to to be able to determine what to beleive, but I'm sure people that has been around this trade for a while have an opinion on it.
After having read a lot about Forex in this forum and elsewhere one term keeps coming back: "successful trader". What is that? Someone who consistently makes a profit regardless of how he/she does it? Or is it more to the term than mere profit and/or loss? It would be interesting to hear what people here mean when they use this term. Who are the heros and idols in the world of Forex trading? Again, is it the ones that are able to pick a big winner and stay with it making a years salary in a week, or the ones that stick to their guns and make a profit in the end treating ups and downs as part of the trade they are trying to master? Is it ia "craft", or is it a game?
I'm too inexperienced to to be able to determine what to beleive, but I'm sure people that has been around this trade for a while have an opinion on it.