What are the golden rules for the beginner? What is most important? (Discipline, minimizing risk, analysis etc?)

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DislikedWhat are the golden rules for the beginner? What is most important? (Discipline, minimizing risk, analysis etc?)Ignored
DislikedWhat are the golden rules for the beginner? What is most important? (Discipline, minimizing risk, analysis etc?)Ignored
DislikedWhat are the golden rules for the beginner? What is most important? (Discipline, minimizing risk, analysis etc?)Ignored
DislikedHey David
The most important thing is to keep yourself in the game long enough to realize it is a business, and needs to be treated as such.Ignored
DislikedWhat are the golden rules for the beginner? What is most important? (Discipline, minimizing risk, analysis etc?)Ignored
DislikedWhat are the golden rules for the beginner? What is most important? (Discipline, minimizing risk, analysis etc?)Ignored
DislikedWhat are the golden rules for the beginner? What is most important? (Discipline, minimizing risk, analysis etc?)Ignored
DislikedHaving to see your trades visually and what it means on paper really helps you narrow down your trading approach and pick out bits and pieces that will lead to a profitable method.Ignored
Dislikedlol, wasn't Einstein's definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"Ignored
DislikedMy rules are now:
1.- Find a method.
2.- Write it.
4.- Back test it for the 10 years.
go to point 1
go to point 1 but meanwhile put your last method to work
return(0) // congratulations you have found the holy grail, you will be rich
Dislikedthere are so many syntax errors in that program it won't even compile.Ignored
DislikedYou may be so intelligent but you can't predict the price just seeing a chart, that's the reality, if you think you can, go to bet all your money and you will see the results...Ignored
DislikedKeep a journal. A journal that includes screenshots of your trades and stats (i.e expectancy, profit factor, avg win vs avg loss)....Ignored
Dislikedlol ... and yet many new traders continue that cycle! (i.e. - let that negative position ride and hope it all of a sudden become positive lol)Ignored