I have been reading forex factory for sometime now and am new to forex. I have been demo trading very seriously for about 6 months and have yet to find anything consistent. Its quite frustrating. This is my first post here. I ran into two free indicators online and have been testing for the last two weeks. Looking back in the charts it looks promising but then again like I said am new to this and what do I know. So far this week plus 60 pips trading two pairs. I'd like to try this for two months and if the results are consistent go live. During the day I get the alert to my cell phone and I close and reverse position. But during the night (asian/europe session for me) the whole sleeping thing gets in the way and I close my positon too late and take bigger loss than I should. I have no idea how to write ea or even how to attach to chart for that matter as I've never tested one. If anyone who's familiar with writing ea's and would like to take a look and give any input I would greatly appreciate it. Maybe we can both benifit or you can save me from unessary testing on something that may or may not be worth investing the time testing. Like I said I do not know the process but would think that it would be fairly uncomplicated to write an ea around this indicator if you think this would possible and would like to take a look please let me know. Thank you all very much in advance and for the tidbits of information that I've acquired as knowledge from reading all the other posts on this great forum.