All that matters is whether you are profitable or not.

- Joined Feb 2006 | Status: Blah blah blah | 1,410 Posts
The breaking of a wave cannot explain the whole sea.
Short Term Vs. Long Term Trading 81 replies
Application of physics in trading? 6 replies
Quantum Physics and trading forex 74 replies
Why Trading Forex is So Difficult - Long Term vs. Short Term 84 replies
Short Term / Medium Term / Long Term? 3 replies
DislikedShort term trading is completely random. I know that some folks here enjoy my posts, while others despise them. (I'm too cynical, lol)
I just gazed into my EURUSD chart and scrolled back on the H1 for a few months. There is pure chaos at the H1 level. Zero rhyme and reason, just central bankers reacting to news and hunting stops. This is the Quantum (irrational world) and not the Macro Physical world that Newton observed with a bright red apple.
Okay fibonacci traders, start posting how H4 fib levels match perfectly. As for me, I am in the camp that price is a result of Superstring for the Superwealthy (bankers, that is.)Ignored
Do you see a young woman or an old lady?
Well, you're both right and your both wrong. If you don't know what you are looking for, you think the other guy is smoking crack. That's all.
Once someone shows you what's going on, then you see..Ignored
DislikedShort term trading is completely random. I know that some folks here enjoy my posts, while others despise them. (I'm too cynical, lol)
I just gazed into my EURUSD chart and scrolled back on the H1 for a few months. There is pure chaos at the H1 level. Zero rhyme and reason, just central bankers reacting to news and hunting stops. This is the Quantum (irrational world) and not the Macro Physical world that Newton observed with a bright red apple.
Okay fibonacci traders, start posting how H4 fib levels match perfectly. As for me, I am in the camp that price is a result of Superstring for the Superwealthy (bankers, that is.)Ignored
DislikedActually, if you realy looking into quantum mechanic, you know particle wavefunction itself exist, its just we can't see where the current electron stands. So people could say the position of the particle is 'random', but its actually not.
In reverse of what happened in market, we know where the current price is, but all function variable that made current price is unquantifiable by us, so we see it as 'random'. But it actually is not.
So its back to our limit of knowledge. How can we judge something as it is if we know that our vision is limited?Ignored
DislikedGotta disagree, Albert.
You may have all cog's calculated, and your aircraft is flying straight and level...
Then someone drops, out of nowhere, a ton of weight in seat 73F.Ignored
DislikedJust because yer' brain can't see a pattern, doesn't mean there ain't one there. Were you expecting to see the zodiac or something?Ignored
DislikedEverything in this world and universe is inherently ordered. No such thing as random. 'Random' is just a popular word in our day and is closely tied to the financial markets. Why do you think that is? If most people believed that price had an order to it, the 95% of the 'loosers,' as it were, would quit feeding the 5%. The successful traders owe their very success to that word.Ignored
DislikedYes you are correct.
Just to chip in financial markets are not random events as nothing occur by chance in nature or in the universe. Financial events are parts of the universe we try to seek to understand.
If something is not random this does not also mean that it is predictable. Actually all things do not occur by random but nothing in nature is predictable due to error or precision in our methods of observing them.
What mankind has been able to call prediction is actually approximation of events that has occurred and remain in permanent...Ignored