I've seen advices like learn from mistake so on and forth But how can he when he is at the stage where he does not even know what is needed to know in order to succeed....the rest of most season traders already knows what to know to succeed but 95% of these seasoned traders are still searching and searching and learning left, right and centre for that knows to succeed and invariably they failed and they start to teach and worse some will resort to underhand schemes to mislead and scam the next batches of new traders with fanciful words and shadowy systems promising unholy results. This is the cruel reality of Forex tradings.
In summary this guy is not even ready to know the necessary knowable so how on earth did he jump straight in to trade. But unfortunately this is what every new traders did and me included 12 yrs ago.
The rests will depend on his perseverance or unless it's god's will that he meet somebody who is already successful to give him a headstart which is like winning a lottery. And if he has to pay to learn then it's most likely a scam or trickery. Between a hard rock and a deep blue sea situation.
In summary this guy is not even ready to know the necessary knowable so how on earth did he jump straight in to trade. But unfortunately this is what every new traders did and me included 12 yrs ago.
The rests will depend on his perseverance or unless it's god's will that he meet somebody who is already successful to give him a headstart which is like winning a lottery. And if he has to pay to learn then it's most likely a scam or trickery. Between a hard rock and a deep blue sea situation.