since recent upgrades of MT4; when I explore any folder that contains mq4 files; the windows explorer get very slow; and sometimes hung.
does anyone know a solution to this problem?
does anyone know a solution to this problem?
MT4 Slowing Down During American Session 0 replies
MT4 & Linux: Windows Fonts are not visible on MT4 suddenly! 0 replies
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mt4 slowing down 5 replies
Dislikedsince recent upgrades of MT4; when I explore any folder that contains mq4 files; the windows explorer get very slow; and sometimes hung. does anyone know a solution to this problem?Ignored
Disliked{quote} I haven't had this problem, but you have said it is normal. So, when I reinstall old versions, they do an automatic update on their own. Wouldn't they just revert to the new situation again? Confused?Ignored
DislikedI have uninstalled all MT4 instances; but still have this issue. when browsing an expert folder; that has more than 10 files; it takes about 5 seconds to fully list all files. It does one by one; and show the hour glass. sometime windows explorer hangs on this actionIgnored
DislikedI have uninstalled all MT4 instances; but still have this issue. when browsing an expert folder; that has more than 10 files; it takes about 5 seconds to fully list all files. It does one by one; and show the hour glass. sometime windows explorer hangs on this actionIgnored
Disliked{quote} Files preview is a windows option. Normally its enabled for ex4 files when you install first time MT4. But sometimes not works. Anyway the best way is not install MT4 with installer. I have a clean installation folder. When I need a new MT4 instance I only copy it with a new name. As MT4 is not installed preview files is not enabled and windows folder works normal and it not try read ex4 metadata and icon every timeIgnored