بسم الله الرحمن الرجيم
in the input we find
arthmeticsequence=true and suplex =false ; the EA take 1lot then 2lot then 3 lot then 4 lot ... if arthmeticsequence=false and suplex =false the EA take 1lot then 2 lot then 4 then 8 ....
buy = true; the EA take long position if the bid above mouving90 and the MACDof H1>0
sell = true;the EA take short position if the bid bellow mouving90 and the MACD of H1<0
LotSize = 1;you can use 0.1 or0.01
periodebetweenorder=20;the EA take an other order every 20 point you can change it
maxtrade =7;
TakeProfit =60;
StopLoss = 25;
TrailingStop = 40;
spread=5; if ask-bid>spread the EA close all order
UseHourTrade = false;
FromHourTrade = 0;
ToHourTrade = 23;
manuellprice = false; if true you can put the price hwo's you want the EA bigin started
buyprice =0; put the price for buy
sellprice = 0; put the price for sell
Closealltrade = false; if true the EA close all order immidiatly
Closealltradeifmyprofit = false;if true the EA close all order when you win any profit do you want
myprofitfoecloseallorder = 25;any profit do you want to close all trade
macdpriod =60;the piriode of MACD
emaperiod =90;the piriode of mouving
"** suplex from oppen **";
here ther are an other stratige :here we take 1lot and we put the stop and profit if the trade lose we take 2 lot from the the stop
saplex =true;andarthmeticsequence=true the EA take 1lot then 2lot then 3 lot then 4 lot ...if arthmeticsequence=false and suplex =truethe EA take 1lot then 2 lot then 4 then 8 ....
pointt=60;if bid =open weekly -or+pointt the EA take trade
myPeriod=10080;it is weekly if do you want to use open daily put it 1440
to take an idea about it's work you can visit the chart of interbank
we youse here
arthmeticsequence=false;and saplex =true;
Login : 1764250
Password :kff2dfh
we youse here
arthmeticsequence=true;saplex =false ;
Login : 1764261
Password : qtaf1gs
والله ولي التوفيق
in the input we find
arthmeticsequence=true and suplex =false ; the EA take 1lot then 2lot then 3 lot then 4 lot ... if arthmeticsequence=false and suplex =false the EA take 1lot then 2 lot then 4 then 8 ....
buy = true; the EA take long position if the bid above mouving90 and the MACDof H1>0
sell = true;the EA take short position if the bid bellow mouving90 and the MACD of H1<0
LotSize = 1;you can use 0.1 or0.01
periodebetweenorder=20;the EA take an other order every 20 point you can change it
maxtrade =7;
TakeProfit =60;
StopLoss = 25;
TrailingStop = 40;
spread=5; if ask-bid>spread the EA close all order
UseHourTrade = false;
FromHourTrade = 0;
ToHourTrade = 23;
manuellprice = false; if true you can put the price hwo's you want the EA bigin started
buyprice =0; put the price for buy
sellprice = 0; put the price for sell
Closealltrade = false; if true the EA close all order immidiatly
Closealltradeifmyprofit = false;if true the EA close all order when you win any profit do you want
myprofitfoecloseallorder = 25;any profit do you want to close all trade
macdpriod =60;the piriode of MACD
emaperiod =90;the piriode of mouving
"** suplex from oppen **";
here ther are an other stratige :here we take 1lot and we put the stop and profit if the trade lose we take 2 lot from the the stop
saplex =true;andarthmeticsequence=true the EA take 1lot then 2lot then 3 lot then 4 lot ...if arthmeticsequence=false and suplex =truethe EA take 1lot then 2 lot then 4 then 8 ....
pointt=60;if bid =open weekly -or+pointt the EA take trade
myPeriod=10080;it is weekly if do you want to use open daily put it 1440
to take an idea about it's work you can visit the chart of interbank
we youse here
arthmeticsequence=false;and saplex =true;
Login : 1764250
Password :kff2dfh
we youse here
arthmeticsequence=true;saplex =false ;
Login : 1764261
Password : qtaf1gs
والله ولي التوفيق
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