Hotforex is a big scam broker. It claims to be STP/ECN that is seen in all its advertisement on different websites, but hotforex is actually a pure market maker.
Look at scammer hotforex website, no liquidity providers names published, when was a client asked 2 account managers in different periods, who are hotforex liquidity providers?, they both answered that they can't share that because it is a secret they get special prices!!haha
We all know that scammer hotforex prices are nothing special, average spreads and high commission of $10 per round turn lot when other brokers have $4-5-7 commission.
All ECN/STP brokers who respect themselves and are well regulated dedicate a page on their website to show their liquidity providers names, others stamp on their main page logos of their liquidity providers(Lp's).
By this, these brokers are making it official, so any client, regulator or LP(name involved) can charge the broker if its claims turn false but when scam broker hotforex publish nothing on its site that turns it very suspicious because it shows no honesty no transparency and surely it;s not an advertising mistake by hotforex but an intention of not publishing liquidity providers names because hotforex is a market maker there are no liquidity providers, so it publishes nothing to not be tracked legally by anybody.
At end, if the regulators that are already into question marks!?!! FSC Mauritius and CySec ask hotforex how they claim to be STP without publishing LP names or come here give us your LP names, hotforex can easily reply they are not STP but market maker and the proof is that hotforex does not publish any LP name.
Stay away of the SCAMMER HOTFOREX.
Look at scammer hotforex website, no liquidity providers names published, when was a client asked 2 account managers in different periods, who are hotforex liquidity providers?, they both answered that they can't share that because it is a secret they get special prices!!haha
We all know that scammer hotforex prices are nothing special, average spreads and high commission of $10 per round turn lot when other brokers have $4-5-7 commission.
All ECN/STP brokers who respect themselves and are well regulated dedicate a page on their website to show their liquidity providers names, others stamp on their main page logos of their liquidity providers(Lp's).
By this, these brokers are making it official, so any client, regulator or LP(name involved) can charge the broker if its claims turn false but when scam broker hotforex publish nothing on its site that turns it very suspicious because it shows no honesty no transparency and surely it;s not an advertising mistake by hotforex but an intention of not publishing liquidity providers names because hotforex is a market maker there are no liquidity providers, so it publishes nothing to not be tracked legally by anybody.
At end, if the regulators that are already into question marks!?!! FSC Mauritius and CySec ask hotforex how they claim to be STP without publishing LP names or come here give us your LP names, hotforex can easily reply they are not STP but market maker and the proof is that hotforex does not publish any LP name.
Stay away of the SCAMMER HOTFOREX.