+100pips, thanks nico

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Dislikedshort just got stoped again!
i dont think i have the guts to put short stop again...Ignored
DislikedI just made an EA to test this strategy, but apprently I'm having some issues in reading the history while in strategy testing mode.
Can some of you people test this on a demo and see how it works and note the bugs and I'll fix them.
Params for the EA (the ones you need to worr about)
SL, TP <-- pretty straight forward
EntryBuffer = The extra Padding you want on the range, I've set it to 10 default
RangeStart = 18 (the start candle hour time 1800 GMT)
RangeEnd = 2 (the end candle hour time 0200 GMT)
Set the above two parameters based of your server time.
NumberOfResets = How many times to reset the orders, right now it *should* stop resetting orders after two losses for the day.
FixedLot = 0.1 (this lot, if you dont want to use the moneymanagement)
RISK <-- preatty straight forward
MoneyMangement = if this is true, it will use the RISK parameter to calculate the lot size
I just threw a few ugly lines to get the bot up, I haven't tested to see if the moneymangement section is working correctly or if it will stop trading for the day on two losses or on tp hit. Thats what you guys are for, test it, let me know the issues, I'll fix it and post the EA here.
Got to go....Ignored
DislikedI just made an EA to test this strategy, but apprently I'm having some issues in reading the history while in strategy testing mode.
Can some of you people test this on a demo and see how it works and note the bugs and I'll fix them.
Params for the EA (the ones you need to worr about)
SL, TP <-- pretty straight forward
EntryBuffer = The extra Padding you want on the range, I've set it to 10 default
RangeStart = 18 (the start candle hour time 1800 GMT)
RangeEnd = 2 (the end candle hour time 0200 GMT)
Set the above two parameters based of your server time.
NumberOfResets = How many times to reset the orders, right now it *should* stop resetting orders after two losses for the day.
FixedLot = 0.1 (this lot, if you dont want to use the moneymanagement)
RISK <-- preatty straight forward
MoneyMangement = if this is true, it will use the RISK parameter to calculate the lot size
I just threw a few ugly lines to get the bot up, I haven't tested to see if the moneymangement section is working correctly or if it will stop trading for the day on two losses or on tp hit. Thats what you guys are for, test it, let me know the issues, I'll fix it and post the EA here.
Got to go....Ignored
DislikedI just made an EA to test this strategy, but apprently I'm having some issues in reading the history while in strategy testing mode.
Can some of you people test this on a demo and see how it works and note the bugs and I'll fix them.
Params for the EA (the ones you need to worr about)
SL, TP <-- pretty straight forward
EntryBuffer = The extra Padding you want on the range, I've set it to 10 default
RangeStart = 19 (the start candle hour time 1800 GMT)
RangeEnd = 3 (the end candle hour time 0200 GMT)
Set the above two parameters based of your server time.
NumberOfResets = How many times to reset the orders, right now it *should* stop resetting orders after two losses for the day.
FixedLot = 0.1 (this lot, if you dont want to use the moneymanagement)
RISK <-- preatty straight forward
MoneyMangement = if this is true, it will use the RISK parameter to calculate the lot size
I just threw a few ugly lines to get the bot up, I haven't tested to see if the moneymangement section is working correctly or if it will stop trading for the day on two losses or on tp hit. Thats what you guys are for, test it, let me know the issues, I'll fix it and post the EA here.
Got to go....Ignored
DislikedOh... How can you tell its not chaging the parameter values?
I've tried it and its changing the values.... I've made it comment its parameter values to the screen. Please use the current version.
I've added a "AllowLimitOrder" parameter to the EA. this will put SELL/BUY LIMIT orders if the price is beyond the rangeIgnored
DislikedHello nicotina compliments. I also work on breakout also have a strategy on forex factory "strategy 10 pips."
Your strategy really be ok, you created an EA?
sorry My English
DislikedI'm liking it,too.
To share the experience, today I didn't respect the strategy and, due to the strong move up yesterday I decided to place the long order only.
"Yes, I'm smarter than the market, the market won't false break down on me".
Long story short, missed 100 pipsIgnored