lustig das du dich als frau ausgibst, du kannst doch auch offiziell deine neigung ausleben, ohne forum. oder hast du dich als frau hier eingetragen, damit keiner von der bafin dich findet, zum verklagen???
Dislikedits easy, ghostbiker is a man from germany (i dont know why he cheats to be a woman, maybe he wants lets operate him to change to a woman this year). and he is not banned, because there are beginners like aagarcia, who will defend him , by not knowing anything about him. i think aargarcia will even think he is a woman. he cant imagine that ghostbiker need to hide, because he is not allowed to do copy services and there are big consequences for doing it. because bafin did not allowed him the service, he is in response for any loss what will happen...Ignored
Disliked{quote} I'm not a beginner just not ignorant like yourself. I already made profits and withdrawn my investment letting profits run. I ACTUALLY use his service and don't talk rubbish like others who have a personal vendettaIgnored
Disliked{quote} I'm not a beginner just not ignorant like yourself. I already made profits and withdrawn my investment letting profits run. I ACTUALLY use his service and don't talk rubbish like others who have a personal vendettaIgnored
Disliked{quote} Aagarcia , you are a real buffoon : you talk about " vendetta" and you opened this 4 threads : - SignalStart- SCAM PROVIDERS - possible scam- warning - WARNING TO INVESTORS! CityPremierFX SCAM is back - Citypremierfx- do not invest with them Namely vendetta against SignalStart , vendetta against BestFxTools and vendetta against CityPremier . I strongly hope you'll lose ALL your money with Ghosbiker's trade copier.Ignored
Disliked{quote} YES and that's because I started it to expose REAL scammers not idiots like yourself with your back and forth issues with GB. You're just a moron living in his mother's basement with a lot of time on his hands. ENOUGH SAID.Ignored
Disliked{quote} thats a joke? you are such a beginner, and you even think you are a medium player? start at the basics please! you are searching for scammers, and ghostbiker is here in forexfactory for moste people a mega scammer (only some blind cant see it). you are the perfect example for dont seeing a tree in the wood ;-) ;-).Ignored
Disliked{quote} You can't even speak English let alone claim he's a scammer. Ignored.Ignored
Disliked{quote} i think he has some critical problems. because aargarcia had some INCOMPETENCE decisions in the past and looks like allways had his money managed with scammers he is with ghostbiker in the right place. funny that often losers find the people who make losers and trust them. maybe aargarcia never traded own money and allways lets manage, then its normal that he dont has any basic knowledge and cant justifiy the problems and cant see scammers, only when he did burned. he is really a man who has to stop trading with this basic knowledge skill...Ignored
Disliked{quote} Holy words Dukas , but a coward idiot as aagarcia will never understand. Ghostbiker and aagarcia are like two faggot in love , hehehe... And they use the same coward systems : the " ignored " button . They can not support a civil and democratic discussion ,so they say : " you're not agree with me ? Ignored ! ". Nazi method... aaad.jpg;2183893 {image}Ignored