{ personal information deleted by staff, per request }
This guy has a few FF accounts: check 2nd screenshot (he admitted himself years ago)
One of His FF accounts got banned for his scams: https://www.forexfactory.com/trung407923
he switches to another account when the ones get banned to continue his scams. He start with $5k, We made $2890 in 2 days for him on deriv.com. we only lost 5 trades in the first 100+ trades. deriv.com even locked his cashier for this (unlocked after verified and withdraw $1890 successfully) then we found he is the scammer on FF. thus put his info on our scam list and terminate the work with him. We will never remove any from the list and never make money for Scammers. This is our bottom-line. the last screenshot is the one i sent him on last day. which he blurs in his own posts to cover the truth and his scams activities
He claimed he made 20000%, and he looked for investors. while now he ask us to manage his own account. His scam business date back to 2015/2016. can't imagine how many victims suffer from him.
This guy has a few FF accounts: check 2nd screenshot (he admitted himself years ago)
One of His FF accounts got banned for his scams: https://www.forexfactory.com/trung407923
he switches to another account when the ones get banned to continue his scams. He start with $5k, We made $2890 in 2 days for him on deriv.com. we only lost 5 trades in the first 100+ trades. deriv.com even locked his cashier for this (unlocked after verified and withdraw $1890 successfully) then we found he is the scammer on FF. thus put his info on our scam list and terminate the work with him. We will never remove any from the list and never make money for Scammers. This is our bottom-line. the last screenshot is the one i sent him on last day. which he blurs in his own posts to cover the truth and his scams activities

He claimed he made 20000%, and he looked for investors. while now he ask us to manage his own account. His scam business date back to 2015/2016. can't imagine how many victims suffer from him.
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