Disliked{quote} i hope Twee will revoke this scammer. how to make a proved scammer commercial?is crazy.
Try don't lose pants never...
Disliked{quote} i hope Twee will revoke this scammer. how to make a proved scammer commercial?is crazy.
Disliked{quote} Maybe with last proof he will be banned for be duplicated usernameIgnored
Dislikedmust love this guy! the anti-racist utopia: BLANK MAN "They cannot believe a blank man is better than them in trading. From all their comments, they are racists." https://www.forexfactory.com/showthr...7#post11025157 this blank man seems to resort to the usual fraudster defense= offense. and their great weapon of demo account comparison to live{image}
Disliked...Disliked{quote} mr Phemmy old version scammer 2012 or mr Olufemi new version scammer 2018... you in your entire existence in FF never posted one real account performance,not one single 0.01 real trade,even a miserable cent acc ... but real. I apologise if i am a bad trader and i cant do better than a scammer and a trickster like you or like your shit you sell using people emails after you lie them with your free pdf shit just to build up your email Don't forget Husky,,, God will look down on them and frown and weep, They hath sinnedIgnoredIgnored
Disliked[Don't forget Husky,,, God will look down on them and frown and weep, They hath sinned and will go to hellIgnored
DislikedOk , everything expected. Opemipo/Phemmy has made the usual nervous and delirious reaction of all the scammers : https://www.forexfactory.com/showthr...3#post11025893 Nonsense phrases, threats and insults to fellow traders , idiot pictures ... This is the confirmation that his fragile nerves and his sick brain are skipped. {image} {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Really i dont know always all scammers attack me with my develop tests demo account. Its green after 174 weeks with random testsIgnored
Disliked{quote} because when a scammer is revealed he dont have any option to fight against one free member so he will hang on anything he can. he's even such an idiot that still push with that silly pdf DD dash even after we told them the code is broken and wrong written,thats why give idiot numbers many times and the only one you see post green are this gang cos they just post the good lucky demo days excluding big loss they get when numbers mess up. pempi i know youre lurking lol look here scammer the code is wrong on some pairs you can throw that to...Ignored