Lol Ok, 60minuteman, maybe the market is random and we are all lucky and some are just luckier.
I don't listen to one of those economist, most of them are paid to further the status quo nothing else. The world economy is at a point now where it has never been, everything is an experiment in greed and no body knows how it's going to fall. The best they can do is hope it doesn't fall further than the 1930s. Remember the "trickle" down theory that is tearing the world apart now, well guess what, an economist proposed that hog wash.
The truth of the matter is, I don't want to say to much because I don't want to share any of my research on any forum at the moment. But let me ask you a question, how many winning trades in a row would it take to convinced you that the market is not random? 20,030,40? What trading style do you use? why would you even use one anyway, why not just flip a coin. Why does a the market have structure if it's random, like a trend for example, why does the banks sell into buying and buy into selling? Why if it's random.
I don't listen to one of those economist, most of them are paid to further the status quo nothing else. The world economy is at a point now where it has never been, everything is an experiment in greed and no body knows how it's going to fall. The best they can do is hope it doesn't fall further than the 1930s. Remember the "trickle" down theory that is tearing the world apart now, well guess what, an economist proposed that hog wash.
The truth of the matter is, I don't want to say to much because I don't want to share any of my research on any forum at the moment. But let me ask you a question, how many winning trades in a row would it take to convinced you that the market is not random? 20,030,40? What trading style do you use? why would you even use one anyway, why not just flip a coin. Why does a the market have structure if it's random, like a trend for example, why does the banks sell into buying and buy into selling? Why if it's random.
Being a trader is lonely, but being a great trader is lonelier still