Hey Traders here it is the long awaited thread you have all been waiting for. lol. First the reason why I started this thread is to have a place we can all call home and have an interchange of Ideas. I will be posting my Harmonic analysis here and welcome anyone whether new or experienced to share whatever they would like to share. It doesn't have to be harmonics but it does have to be respectful to everyone else. Pissing contests will not be tolerated and are extremely frowned upon here. If you want to brag then by all means go ahead and brag if it makes you feel good but keep it respectful. That is rule #1!! Rule #2 is I reserve the right to change the rules, add to the rules, or do whatever I please with the rules going forward. 
What this thread will not be: This will not be a thread where I will be providing any training or specifics as to my rules and trade plan or strategy. For the record: I DO NOT USE AN INDICATOR TO FIND MY PATTERNS, so PLEASE don't ask for one!!!!!!! lol I will say this much and leave it there:
I like to use the Harmonic rhythm of the market in combination with price behavior and a confluence of other things to determine High probability entry and exit strategies to accomplish what we are all in this business of trading to do, and that my friends is to Make BANK!!!. I'm a full time trader and this is what I do and hopefully some of you will find a home here or just stop by once in a while to contribute. Either way as I always say.....
Enjoy, have fun, make a great day, do your Due diligence, trade your plan, and may we all make bank

What this thread will not be: This will not be a thread where I will be providing any training or specifics as to my rules and trade plan or strategy. For the record: I DO NOT USE AN INDICATOR TO FIND MY PATTERNS, so PLEASE don't ask for one!!!!!!! lol I will say this much and leave it there:
I like to use the Harmonic rhythm of the market in combination with price behavior and a confluence of other things to determine High probability entry and exit strategies to accomplish what we are all in this business of trading to do, and that my friends is to Make BANK!!!. I'm a full time trader and this is what I do and hopefully some of you will find a home here or just stop by once in a while to contribute. Either way as I always say.....
Enjoy, have fun, make a great day, do your Due diligence, trade your plan, and may we all make bank

Don't follow me! You can and most likely will LOSE all your money!!!!