DislikedI truly enjoyed your book and explanation regarding Ichimoku trading. I have been trading for some 20+ years and used about every indicator and system out there. I initially was introduced to Ichimoku on the THV Thread (Cobra's great thread). I like the simple manner in which you explain and then give trading examples. Great Job!
Recently I have started using Ichimoku, the full version instead of just the cloud, as I did previously. I go back and forth using the THV cloud setting in the lower time frames of 2, 5, 8 to using the default 9,...Ignored
Hello , Mr
I use the settings on the THV for the clouds before , but I think they don't work well in long time frames ( which I mostly use )
I like to use the default setting. mixed it with some Price Action rules and trend lines.
Your blog looks good , I bookmarked it

Good luck and nice to meet you really ,,,
Ahmed Elagouz