Glad I am not trading today I would be

Forex Trading: Incorporating Price Behavior into a Forex Trading System 4 replies
Forex Training: What to Look for in a Forex Training Program 1 reply
The Journal Of A Macro Fundamental & Technical Analysis Junkie 26 replies
Trade Anatomy - ramblings of an old-timer 147 replies
Disliked2000*2%=40 $15 pips = 0.001540/0.0015=26 66626 666= 0.27 Lot example for Longyou buy 26 666 * 1.2928 = 34 473.8SL is touched 26 666 * 1.2913 ( 1.2928 -0.0015) =34 443.8P/L = 34 443.8-34 473.8 = -40 $Ignored
DislikedYou are too nice. You shouldn't have replied to a lazy question. He can google or search this forum for tons of information on position sizing, even his broker will have that explained on their site FAQ. Position Size/Risk Calculator?{quote}Ignored
DislikedYou are too nice. You shouldn't have replied to a lazy question. He can google or search this forum for tons of information on position sizing, even his broker will have that explained at their site FAQ. Position Size/Risk Calculator?{quote}Ignored
Disliked{quote} The details are in the thread but I basically use two stop sizes. For price action type entries like express trades or NFP I use bar size price action stops. For trading levels I use the appropriate ATR. For a day trade I want the ATR for a week so I use five day ATR which I smooth with a five period EMA. If I am trading a weekly high or low I will use a four week ATR with a four period EMA to get the month's ATR.Ignored
Dislikedwhere is everyone?. just thought I would have a quick visit. last week I only trade e/j on the japan and uk open all went to plan. Same thing today japan then uk , I wish every day was like today nice and easy. we had a bank holiday here in uk so after closing down the uk open trade . went out and even had the boat out wayhay we actually had the sun out. look after yourselvesIgnored
Dislikedwhere is everyone?. just thought I would have a quick visit. last week I only trade e/j on the japan and uk open all went to plan. Same thing today japan then uk , I wish every day was like today nice and easy. we had a bank holiday here in uk so after closing down the uk open trade . went out and even had the boat out wayhay we actually had the sun out. look after yourselvesIgnored
Disliked{quote} Didn't have the courrage to stay in for more then a RR 1:1 when buying the last week close of EURGBP after uk open. happy pips all of you!Ignored
Disliked{quote} Hello mmaker, You are half right. My twin brother and I have fun on some of the trading forums. Trader's Lab is another one for us. He posts some and I post some.Not Jekyll and Hyde, but think Myer Lansky and Lucky Luciano. I just received some excellent advice from a friend.He advised that making trouble on forums is ultimately counter-productive even though it's fun at the time.We agree so we won't continue and I'm sending this reply to finalize this thread and put it all to rest. We think we are smarter than most and trade better than...Ignored
DislikedOK looks like the crew left the buillding but since your answers were really really good and helpful before I will ask my next question anyway... What is the reason we are still trading forex and not futures? I was able to come up only with two reasons why forex is better than futures trading but at the end both of those are fairly "weak" in terms of serious trading. (Day trading that is of course)One would be that forex is the only place I can trade with really small amounts of money. I can work with a 100$ or 1000$ account and risk every time...Ignored
DislikedOK looks like the crew left the buillding but since your answers were really really good and helpful before I will ask my next question anyway... What is the reason we are still trading forex and not futures? I was able to come up only with two reasons why forex is better than futures trading but at the end both of those are fairly "weak" in terms of serious trading. (Day trading that is of course)One would be that forex is the only place I can trade with really small amounts of money. I can work with a 100$ or 1000$ account and risk every time...Ignored
Disliked{quote} The best bang for the buck with a central market and ability to contain risk is within the options market. Please don't expect me to begin to go into how to trade options here. The discussion and questions would never end.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Hey Chris,Do you ever use options contracts to hedge your spot trades or anything fancy like that?Ignored