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- Joined Mar 2010 | Status: Member | 42,434 Posts
2013-07-31 Today's Phrase of the Day: Hold off from any recycle bin experts
Broker increases spread to 10 points at 22.00 GMT 1 reply
Should Trade with Broker offering low spread or wide spread? 12 replies
Fixed spread broker with 1 pip spread or less? 36 replies
Any fixed spread broker with exactly 2.0 pip spread? 3 replies
Variable spread vs FIXED spread & broker comment/feedback 6 replies
DislikedTake note....citifx increases your spreads...dangerous to trade with them......they are not honestIgnored
DislikedSo, in your opinion, whats a fair spread for 20 Mil? Do you think it should be the same as, for example, 100K ?Ignored
DislikedSo, in your opinion, whats a fair spread for 20 Mil? Do you think it should be the same as, for example, 100K ?Ignored
Dislikedi just put in 100 billion on the platform on gbp/usd and the spread went to 5.8 not bad if your trading 100 billion thats the max you can trade, i trade the 50k with comm, on 100k lot the spread is 0.6 and i pay $5.40 round turn on that lot, im around 2mill lot so my spreads are 1 to 1.2 not including the comm witch will make it around 1.6 spreadIgnored
DislikedWhat if you are trading on real ecn or the interbank market using a prime broker?Ignored
Dislikedsame thing, the bigger the trade the bigger the spread, lets say your trading 25mill on a ecn, you want to buy 25mill eur/usd, at 1.5500, one LP my quote 5mill at 1.5500 next might quote 1.5501 at 5mill and so on uptill your order is fill, so your average spreads might come out to be 2 to 5 pip spread, like i said im a trader not a whinnerIgnored
DislikedOn CME you pay 3 to 4 ticks in spread too for 200 contracts (= 25 mil) in eur/usd.
I dont have this problem, but i suppose there are more clever ways to execute such size than doing this with 1 click.Ignored