Hi Everyone could some please tell me if they know of a broker that as MT4 that you can trade major pairs and major indices ie the Dow,Dax etc
With Many Thanks
With Many Thanks
MT4 broker for 8 major currency indices 14 replies
CFD DAX & DOW and more 17 replies
ECN && STP && Scalping && Hedging - Broker Review - Oct 2009 24 replies
MT4 Brokers offering indices 31 replies
DislikedIf you feel comfortable with a Russian broker (I love 'em):
http://www.metaquotes.net/files/whc/whc4setup.exe ---Direct link to demo download
Commissions and or spreads are great on forex but high on futures and stocks. Execution is excellent.Ignored
I have a demo with them just because I can see the live data of oil, and other important stuff on it.
Eventually I will open a live account to keep that platform.
Maybe $200-$500 account. It is Russian and if it goes down or whatever I will just drive one weekend less. Nothing really to riskIgnored
DislikedIf you feel comfortable with a Russian broker (I love 'em):
http://www.metaquotes.net/files/whc/whc4setup.exe ---Direct link to demo download
Commissions and or spreads are great on forex but high on futures and stocks. Execution is excellent.Ignored
DislikedThey don't seem to have gold, silver or indice charts. Do you know who has?Ignored
Dislikedafter long search i fiound the best mt4 with all cfd include Dax, Cac oil, gold here:
or by name : ODL metatrader
DislikedHi Everyone could some please tell me if they know of a broker that as MT4 that you can trade major pairs and major indices ie the Dow,Dax etc With Many Thanks David-TIgnored
Disliked{quote} Hi David, I don't know if you were ever assisted but any reputable broker should have most of these assets. Under market watch on MT4, right click and select "Symbols." Once there you will see all the categories from Forex, Indices, Commodities etc.Ignored
DislikedI know this thread is ancient, but still a good question. I'm in a search now for a broker with MT4 platform that includes indices. I don't really want to trade them on MT4, but use MT4 indicators so I can place binary orders. I have LMFX and has a good list of indices oil, corn, copper, etc, but can't get the dax to load. Just says "Waiting for Update". Weird.Ignored
DislikedI know this thread is ancient, but still a good question. I'm in a search now for a broker with MT4 platform that includes indices. I don't really want to trade them on MT4, but use MT4 indicators so I can place binary orders. I have LMFX and has a good list of indices oil, corn, copper, etc, but can't get the dax to load. Just says "Waiting for Update". Weird.Ignored
DislikedActivTrades has Spanish,Swiss,French,German,US,British and Italian indices as well as the bund and T-notes. Possibly ODL (not sure they have the DAX though)Ignored