Means great movements of markets in a high range to favor of dollar until 26 then change of direction euro rise.
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD) 14,244 replies
W.D. Gann planetary price & timing analysis 132 replies
Opinions on "Planetary cycles, astrological theory .. of the markets" 41 replies
Planetary / Astrology indicators 3 replies
Planetary Cycles... Plotting Cycles into the Future 0 replies
DislikedMeans great movements of markets in a high range to favor of dollar until 26 then change of direction euro rise.Ignored
DislikedWhat about exit strategy? Should we wait for right time or right decent pips?
Sometimes I am lousy when taking profit.Ignored
DislikedYes. How did you know that the aspect was the right aspect, (there are many aspects today), and how did you know it was bullish?Ignored
DislikedSuryananda, your post is very helpful for me. I try to understand astrotrading. Could you, if it possible, add to your posts more details.
Thank you in advance!Ignored