You never fail in any feat, you just find out how not, to do it again

Need help choosing my broker 45 replies
Going Platform independent! Going pyhon! 29 replies
Need advice for choosing a broker 6 replies
Need help on choosing reliable broker for scalping 10 replies
Going Live - Need Reliable Online Broker Can You help 9 replies
DislikedWell i am going live in less than a week, and i need some help with my choosing of platforms. The one i have in mind is interbank FX, i have researched it and find it to look pretty good, if there is anyone here that has an opinion about this, or has any dealings with this broker, please let me know.
Happy TradingIgnored
DislikedCan u give me a website or tell me why CWH. I would be happy to see your views on the idea, any help is always good.Ignored
Dislikedi have used the metatrader platform for thr last year and a half, I'm not that green (lol). I was just wondering if anyone has had any dealings with interbank FX.That way i have other people's opinions rather than just a website( Witch always beef up there product or service). But that would have been real good advice piccolo, if i had never used it before.Ignored