Disliked{quote} I got something now..... replica pairs to show REAL value It all makes sense. MMIgnored
So, is the insight still working? Would you mind sharing a few pointers please...thanks.
Another Day, Another Chair, Another Day in the Office 198 replies
Just Another Turtle Trading Journal 74 replies
Not Another Trading Journal 15 replies
Another Trading Journal - Yuhu's Journal 16 replies
Yet Another Trading Journal!! 15 replies
Disliked{quote} So, is the insight still working? Would you mind sharing a few pointers please...thanks.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Yes, still working and will always. As UP said market inefficiencies are the "same" in all markets - http://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?p=7793892#post7793892 You need to find the best value, if "price" is to expensive sell and vice versa. Baskets are one of the best ways to get true "value". MMIgnored
Disliked{quote} From the highlighted post, it seems you use the dissimilarity between the indicator below and the price action above to get true value. That's fine. I have explored that approach. It has great potential, if one can get tight stops. But if I could create a basket of other correlated instruments/securities and arbitrage the divergence, now that would be something! Thanks for the pointers though! By the way, I like the name...MadMoney aka InsaneIncomeIgnored
DislikedI don't know what you mean with that. What I have noticed is if they wanna run stops (i.e. a good pool of weak shorts) they start lifting the value (minutes or hours) before the news. Then seconds after the release you will see the EUR/USD shooting up. That can also happen on S/R areas (or round numbers) at any time without any news event involved. The second pattern is: they don't lift the value too much but the EUR/USD just spiked up to clear a pool of stops.Usually the move later comes back to value. Third pattern is to use the EUR/USD as the prime instrument to clear stops in different assets.But that's a bit too complex to explain.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Hey FXT, I believe UP's mispricing concept is about dissimilarity, look here - http://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?p=7193006#post7193006 - http://www.forexfactory.com/showthre...09#post7187409 {quote} You have to get true "value", most of the time price and value will match up. As soon as "price" pulls away from "value" there is a window to make profit. "Value" will always eventually win. Keep digging, what you may find may or may not...Ignored
Disliked{quote} Fantastic post MM. UPs posts and EURUSDD's posts opened my eyes. I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw the connection. Dissimilarity shows you from a technical perspective what is happening, but UPs posts show you why and how it is happening from a dealers. A major I use what I learnt from both threads to create a strategy. It works. I'm just trying to finetune how to place stops, cos when the market stops ranging and really starts to trend, then the Dissimilarity concept breaks down and one can rack up major losses that wipe out previous...Ignored
DislikedIt doesn't need a video to explain some basic correlations and inefficiencies. If you are looking for something very easy or to increase the odds most of the time here is a very simple calculation. Everybody knows: EUR/AUD = 50% EUR/USD and -50% AUD/USD But you can also do something interesting like that: Red line: 0.5 EUR/AUD and -0.5 AUD/USD Have fun: {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Hmmmm....does anyone know why the Red line is 0.5 EUR/AUD and -0.5 AUD/USD ? Why not 0.5 EUR/USD and -0.5 AUD/USD? Was it a typo?Ignored
QuoteDislikedthis is simply what Ullen & some other try to do
arbitrage trading with synthetic pairs whiich I have tested years ago.
Disliked{quote} Bank dealers (and their algos) constantly offset the risk. But there are also times when they're building (small) inventories or working/using orders from clients to trigger little stops and to knock out small barriers (exotic options). Sometimes they also do it because they know the orderflow from their clients. That's when they provide unhedged liquidity to them with the intention to fade later the move by withdrawing liquidity and bringing price back to value. In the current market phase I have noticed that they are moving the EUR/USD...Ignored
DislikedI call this mindset the value flow trading approach. There are SO many ways to apply it, {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} For example by selling courses about it at a page like the www.valueflowtrading.com that is linked on your profile? Sounds like a great approach indeed... kIgnored
Disliked{image}{image}{quote} Past withdrawals are not indicative of future withdrawals.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Looks great, could you please link a myfxbook or a trade explorer that corroborates your consistent withdrawals? AFAICS, your trading strategy has little to do with value as defined by UP, but rather with money flows within the currency market/reversals in the currency strength. Those repainting indicators are tricky though... Good luck with your trading and marketing endeavors. kIgnored
Disliked{quote} Gauging a mispricing can be done without building synthetics. I use outright's in other asset classes and works fine. You can build synthetics, but it's not completely necessary. RgdsIgnored
DislikedThank you UP for pushing me in the right direction. I can now successfully: 1. Understand dealer counterparty risk and trade it. 2. Identify/create correlated/synthetic instruments and arbitrage the divergence. I posted this just to give back to this thread that helped me finally get it. Value simply rotates round this market. Find out how to track it. I do so, both at an intermarket level and on an intercurrency level. Attached is a chart of intercurrency rotation. I call this mindset the value flow trading approach. There are SO many ways to apply...Ignored