This video clip shows the comparison between an fxcm trade station 'instituational ' 25k account price feed with 'raw ' spreads in the 'real market' along side an MBT and oanda account price feed. You can clearly see that both the later are in sync whilst the fxcm price feed lags at least several seconds at a time with a gap in prices of up to 15 pips on occassions especially on the EU and GU. This occurs several times a day during normal market conditions. When the fxcm price is 'out of sync' or lagging they wil not accept any buy or sell orders.
I wonder what this pnenomena could be? Is this the real market or a manipulated price feed? Anyone know? ...........Anyone?
Inserted Video
I wonder what this pnenomena could be? Is this the real market or a manipulated price feed? Anyone know? ...........Anyone?