Here is a Broker that offers 1 Pip Spread on four Majors: I am curious if any of you have tried them and like them? I think we should reward those Brokers that have lower Commission Spreads ... thereby assuring that the Higher priced Brokers, get in line, or go broke, for the lack of users. IMO
1 Pip Spread on Majors:
Hello Everyone:
This thread does not limit discussion of brokers only to those with 1 pip spread. {as low as) Two pip spread is not a problem at all. Good and Bad Reviews are all welcome and can discuss them here, so others can learn from your experience. This is the purpose of this thread. But be specific why you deem a broker to be a bad or good Broker.
And decent civil opinions on a broker are also welcome here as long as you let it be known that this is just your opinion and that you did not actually trade with them. One thing I will not do is speak evil of a broker without anything to back it up.
I have no interest here but to help others find a broker. I'm not an IB, so there's nothing in it for me other than helping someone to make better informed decisions on brokers.
Thanks all for your understanding:
This thread should really be called:
MT4 Brokers - some as low as 1 Pip spreads.
IMO Drop the "favorite":
1 Pip Spread on Majors:
Hello Everyone:
This thread does not limit discussion of brokers only to those with 1 pip spread. {as low as) Two pip spread is not a problem at all. Good and Bad Reviews are all welcome and can discuss them here, so others can learn from your experience. This is the purpose of this thread. But be specific why you deem a broker to be a bad or good Broker.
And decent civil opinions on a broker are also welcome here as long as you let it be known that this is just your opinion and that you did not actually trade with them. One thing I will not do is speak evil of a broker without anything to back it up.
I have no interest here but to help others find a broker. I'm not an IB, so there's nothing in it for me other than helping someone to make better informed decisions on brokers.
Thanks all for your understanding:
This thread should really be called:
MT4 Brokers - some as low as 1 Pip spreads.
IMO Drop the "favorite":