Dislikedin my imo : 50 weekly, 50 daily and 50 yearly ,in the same tight range ( 5200-5300 )Ignored
I went short, after a 50% breach (1.5276 unless i did it wrong) but i may come to regret that decision. Time will tell soon enough.
SIMPLE EA for a simple method needed!! 2 replies
Please suggest a simple & effective Method/System of "Trading System" Forum to newbie 180 replies
Simple, Non-subjective, Consistent, Effective 645 replies
ECN && STP && Scalping && Hedging - Broker Review - Oct 2009 24 replies
Simple Method to Scalp & Trade Big 42 replies
Dislikedin my imo : 50 weekly, 50 daily and 50 yearly ,in the same tight range ( 5200-5300 )Ignored
DislikedI dont know what this means... LOL...
I went short, after a 50% breach (1.5276 unless i did it wrong) but i may come to regret that decision. Time will tell soon enough.Ignored
DislikedTrying to find the updated link to Simone, previous versions, I am running on MT4 keep crashing.
I've looked on Page 1, only saw spreadsheet and pdf documentation..Ignored
DislikedNo I will endeavour to read the thread, do people contribute charts from time to time of current situations? Thanks in advance.Ignored
DislikedHi Simone & Seniors
Can this fib trading method use in H4 and Daily tf?
Reason: My commitment to work full time.
DislikedHi, I have been using this method on a demo account for a couple of weeks now and this method is great. I stilling learning to trade and tried to follow several other methods are either hard to follow or you always...Ignored
DislikedNo I will endeavour to read the thread, do people contribute charts from time to time of current situations? Thanks in advance.Ignored
DislikedHi whaka,
The preferred entry is on candlestick patterns developing around the breach level or watching the price action on 2-3 candles. At times I am able to take earlier entries based on the dominant trend.Ignored